Introducing Premium Nilgiri Teas, from Glendale

Introducing Premium Nilgiri Teas, from Glendale

Up until now no tea producer or marketer or retailer has mentioned freshness in the same breath as tea. (And why would they; it’s never been in their interest to create that association.) Nor did it help that tea – made from dried tea leaves – does not lend itself easily to the idea of freshness. Tea’s long journey from the gardens through the auction to the exporters’ warehouses, the importers’ storerooms, the wholesaler and retailer drives the idea of freshness further and further away

  • October 30th, 2015
  • Glendale (Author)

    Introducing Premium Nilgiri Teas, from Glendale

    Hai hello how are you?MY name is gopal krishnan

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